2024年12月22日...小于 1 分钟
This note is completely based on a NSDA-styled debate course I took in 2022.
Public Forum
The debate style recognized by National Speach & Debate Association(NSDA). Each team comprises of two debaters. The objective is to convince the judge why your side of the debate is better than your opponents’. The topics, or resolutions as they are called, are issued every month of the season by NSDA (September to June). You are mandated to prepare both the pro/affirmative, and the con/negative as you will only know which side your team will debate moments before the round begins.
Debate Organization
A PF debate is consisted of the following sections:
Section | Competitor | Time |
Construction | Pro/Con 1 | 3 min each |
Crossfire | Pro/Con 1 | 3 min each |
Rebuttal | Pro/Con 2 | 3 min each |
Crossfire | Pro/Con 2 | 3 min each |
Summary | Pro/Con | 3 min each |
Constructive | Pro/Con 2 | 3 min each |
Crossfire | All | 3 min each |
Summary | Pro/Con | 2 min each |
A constructive
- Point one
- Point two
- Point three
- Rebuttal one:
- Point one
- Mechanism extension Point 2
- In conclusion:
- Point one
- Point two
- Point three
- Rebuttal
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