Localization in progress
It is known widely that blender is a very versatile and capable 3D software in moviemaking. And due to the fact that it is in fact open-sourced, we can do sims and write code just like in Houdini!
Localization in progress
It is known widely that blender is a very versatile and capable 3D software in moviemaking. And due to the fact that it is in fact open-sourced, we can do sims and write code just like in Houdini!
With the development of the low-altitude economy, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have become indispensable in modern industries. Thanks to their high mobility and efficiency, UAVs have significantly impacted logistics, agriculture, disaster response, and more.
UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicle)
A UAV is a type of drone that operates without an onboard pilot. It is primarily used in fields such as military applications, photography, and scientific research.
Why would I open up this section?
I was cleaning my disk the other day
When i can't help but notice the HUGE amount of data in my School2024 folder
There's notes from the love story of Romeo and Juliet to the post-modernistic Ender's Game...
They are valuable resources, so I've decided to archive them up here, and to help others in need.
这是24年暑假学校让准备的共读书目, 当时给学期初考做的备考资料. 有一些是GPT, 我也检查过一遍, 去掉了所有事实性错误
This was also my CE reading notes
Updated @ Mar 11
Hey Guys
I'm done with psychiatry.
I started this section when I recieved my diagnose for Panic Disorder, ADHD and Tourette's at the same time. I know that's some pretty fricking bad news, but hey, I've already came over it!
And just as an encouragement for all fellow patients, life goes on, and so will you.
Freud is sorta like the godfather of all modern psycho talk therapy
And this is the sad story of a dumbhead mortal trying to climb the Olympias of Freudian Psychoanalysis in his lit analysis course
I'm not trying to torture myself with it anymore now, if you want an update or the e-book itself just send a mail.